Spoken word performance contribution

Please send us your recorded performance! If suitable, it will be broadcast and live streamed on 3CR Community Radio (855AM / Digital Radio / 3cr.org.au) as part of the Spoken Word Show, which airs every Thursday at 9:00am AEST. The program is also available as a podcast from 3cr.org.au/spoken-word.

If you are not familiar with 3CR, please take a few moments to get to know the values and aims of this community radio station, by reading about us here. We prefer content that broadly reflects the ethos of 3CR.

The work must be your own original work, no longer than 5 minutes, and preferably performed by yourself.

If there is anything special you would like mentioned to give the work context, please provide it here. This may be used to introduce the piece on air. Also feel free to include a brief bio of yourself.

If yes, your recording contains music, please provide the title(s) of the piece(s) and the name(s) of the writer(s) of that music. The station is required to keep records of any music played on air.

If your work is already on the Internet (eg. on YouTube, Soundcloud, etc), please enter the link address (URL) below:

This is ONLY required if you could not provide a link in the previous question! Please attach an audio or video file of you performing the original work. Please make sure that the audio quality is as high as possible. A video file is fine, but being radio we will only use the audio part of course.

If your device supports it, you might also see an "audio" option below, with a microphone icon. If you click this and allow access to your microphone, you may record your piece directly here and it will be converted to a file and uploaded.


Please confirm the following before submitting your work for consideration. We would like to feature all works submitted, but some things may prevent this. For example, excessive profanity is not acceptable in our early morning time slot. Avoid swearing! In addition, content that could be considered defamatory, discriminatory, bullying, harassment or hate speech, will not be broadcast. *

I confirm that the work submitted is my own work
I grant permission for the work to be broadcast on free-to-air radio 3CR 855AM and to be included in the 3CR Spoken Word podcast
I understand that the work may be edited to comply with public broadcasting guidelines (eg. removing "profanity"), or to fit within time constraints

Please answer all questions with an asterisk (*) beside them and make sure you have attached a file or entered a link to your work.